Simulating your robotics applications

Marilou Robotics Studio is a modeling and simulation environment for mobile robots, humanoids, articulated arms and parallels robots operating in real-world conditions that respect the laws of physics.

Researchers and engineers working on the development of advanced humanoid architectures, wheeled and multilegged vehicles, robot formations and multi-robot systems (Multi-agents), will find Marilou an indispensable tool in advancing the state-of-the-art in the design, planning and control of the next generation of robots.

In a realistic graphical environment, Marilou lets you create the hierarchy necessary for building and testing even the most complex assemblies from scratch, with a real-time simulator that lets you experiment with the behavior of your algorithms directly.

Marilou's 3-D display helps you understand how sensors and triggers react with respect to the properties of the surfaces of physical objects. Multi-robot worlds use true physics with surprising reality.

Why use a simulator?

Robots are expensive and complex machines that are sometimes extremely difficult to program. Given the infinite number of different situations a robot may encounter (situations that developers weren't always able to plan ahead for, or that artificial intelligence is unable to handle), as well as the risk of actually damaging a robot during the development phase (irreversible errors such as a fall from a great height), it is often best to use of a virtual robot operating in a virtual world.

Mistakes made in a virtual environment during the development phase, by definition, are of no great consequence. Robotics simulators therefore offer significant advantages in a clearly defined framework.

Marilou is a simulator that specifically addresses roboticists' needs. This includes being able to represent real-world phenomena (for which a model is created) in order to subsequently carry out virtual experiments that make it possible to study movement and reaction over time. In Marilou, the simulator enables developers to create both environments (in which robots move around) and robots, enabling behavioral tests to be carried out in various situations.


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