Robots & Environments Modeling

Physical entity editor

With Marilou's physical entity editor, you can design robot collision models using any of the stationary or dynamic objects in your simulated world. Editing tools are entirely graphical, easy to use, and allow you to make changes and set-up new situations quickly.

Build robots using simple shapes (boxes, spheres, cylinders, capsules, surfaces, elevation grids...), complex shapes such as triangle-mesh, and shapes with convex geometries.

Marilou offers a highly intuitive and visual modeling environment. Complex robot structures and simulation environments can be easily and rapidly constructed with editor‘s CAD style interface.

Marilou is not just limited to modeling mobile robots with wheels. It lets you create humanoids as well as robotic arms for manipulation or parallels robots.


The shape of physical objects may be handled by one or more 3-D models to achieve maximum realism.

Shapes can either be simple (basic 3D forms, texture, color) or multiple imported 3-D models.

Assembly hierarchy

The most complex objects can be made easily by assembling simpler sub-parts. Marilou uses a hierachical system to present entire objects at the highest level (the current world). This approach makes it possible to reuse members of a complex object as sub-parts of another object, and also enables several people to work together in collaboration on group projects. An integrator can use these elements to compose specific robots/geometries.

In Marilou, complex objects can be imported into a virtual world as many times as you need.

(This example shows 2 wooden boxes imported into the current world along with a table composed of 2 trestles.)

Embedded hardware (devices)

Embedded hardware, such as motors and distance sensors, are used to control the robot and cause it to interact with its environment. These devices can be attached on the robots geometries. Wizards let you create new references from constructor datasheet directly in the graphic interface.

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